Here’s a short poem I recently wrote: Happiness. I feel that it captures my philosophy on living thus far.. instead of describing it, I’ll let you read the poem for yourself 🙂 Enjoy!
Everyone wants to be happy.
So we chase after success, riches, fame…
but still feel empty inside.
We seek more, as if happiness has a material
value, a price tag, associated with it.
Some traverse monstrous seas,
traveling on an endless voyage,
as they spend their whole lives
searching for this elusive treasure
that is closer
than we think.
But happiness is independent of any
item, success, or validation.
It can exist at any time, at any place…
If we’re willing to welcome it.
Happiness exists within;
what we do brings us happiness,
and happiness enables us
to do the things we do.
Happiness and pleasure
are two different entities.
Pleasure is a sugar cookie;
as the sweetness trickles
down our throats, good
feelings arouse.
But those “good feelings”
are only temporary,
as we are later flooded with
waves of guilt and regret,
rehashing our bad decisions.
Happiness is a salad,
a commitment to doing better.
It won’t bring us instant joy,
but in the long-term, we feel…
So that’s the path to the treasure –
our choices.
In choosing to do what makes us
genuinely happy,
we accumulate our own treasures.
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