

My Kahani…

“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.”

-Maya Angelou

From a very young age, I’ve loved stories. While I relished hearing them, I also enjoyed creating them. As I grew older, this transformed into a passion for reading, writing and art. To me, stories are a way to not only describe the world around us, but also a way to create a better world going forward. Stories carry emotional weight; they tug at people’s heartstrings, challenging existing ideas and perspectives.

Kahani (also spelled Kahaani, or कहानी, in Devanagari) is a Hindi word that translates to “story.” I chose it as the name for this blog for two reasons: 1) It’s a pretty word (in my opinion). 2) It captures exactly what this blog is — a collection of stories. I post about my experiences as a student, science & STEM topics, and education. I also share some of my creative writing pieces.

And, I probably should have started off by introducing myself… but alas, it’s not too late! I’m Sareena, and I’m a college student from New Jersey, USA studying biomedical engineering. I’m passionate about science, engineering medicine and art. With that being said, thanks for checking out Kahani and I hope you enjoy the rest of the blog!

Oh, and one last thing — I sign these blogs with my pen name, Sara Devi 🙂